Point Mass Source
This feature requires at least one of the following licenses: Batteries & Fuel Cells Module, CFD Module, Chemical Reaction Engineering Module, Corrosion Module, Electrochemistry Module, Electrodeposition Module, Microfluidics Module, Pipe Flow Module, or Subsurface Flow Module.
The Point Mass Source feature models mass flow originating from an infinitely small domain centered around a point
For the Reacting Flow in Porous Media, Diluted Species interface, which is available with the CFD Module, Chemical Reaction Engineering Module, or Batteries & Fuel Cells Module, there are two nodes: one for the fluid flow (Fluid Point Source) and one for the species (Species Point Source).
Source Strength
The source Mass flux, should be specified. A positive value results in mass being ejected from the point into the computational domain. A negative value results in mass being removed from the computational domain.
Point sources located on a boundary or on an edge affect the adjacent computational domains. This has the effect, for example, that a point source located on a symmetry plane has twice the given strength.
Mass Sources for Fluid FlowMass Sources for Fluid Flow in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual