Nodes for Handling Electrode Potentials and Reference Electrodes
The Reference Electrode node is a point feature applicable to electrolyte domains (in all the Electrochemistry interfaces). It defines a global electric reference potential s , ref (SI unit: V) according to Equation 4-18. The s , ref can be used in the Electrode Potential feature for setting the electric potential of an electrode boundary with respect to the reference potential. The variable Evs ref (SI unit: V), according to Equation 4-19, is also defined in all electrode domains.
The Electric Reference Potential node is a point feature applicable to electrode domains (in all the Electrochemistry interfaces). It defines a global electric reference potential s , ref (SI unit: V) equal to the dependent variable s (SI unit: V) in the point. The s , ref can be used in the Electrode Potential feature for setting the electric potential of an electrode boundary with respect to the reference potential.
Whenever a s , ref is defined, the variable Evs ref (SI unit: V), according to Equation 4-19, is also defined in all electrode domains.
The Electrode Potential is a boundary condition feature, applicable to external boundaries of electrode domains (in all the Electrochemistry interfaces). It sets a boundary condition for the electric potential with respect to a defined reference potential according to Equation 4-20. Electric potentials defined by the Electric Reference Potential and Reference Electrode point feature can be used as input when specifying the Electrode Potential feature.
An Electrode Potential alternative in the Boundary Condition settings list is also available for the Electrode Surface node.
The variable Evs ref (SI unit: V), according to Equation 4-19, is also defined on these features.