Diffusion in Porous Media
The effective diffusion in porous media, De, depends on the structure of the porous material and the phases involved. Depending on the transport of diluted species occurs in free flow, saturated or partially saturated porous media, the effective diffusivity is defined as:
Here DF, DL, and DG are the single-phase diffusion coefficients for the species diluted in fluid, pure liquid and gas phases respectively (SI unit: m2/s), and τF, τL, and τG are the corresponding tortuosity factors (dimensionless).
The tortuosity factor accounts for the reduced diffusivity due to the fact that the solid grains impede Brownian motion. The interface provides predefined expressions to compute the tortuosity factors in partially saturated porous media according to the Millington and Quirk model (Ref. 12):
and Bruggeman model
For saturated porous media θ εp. The fluid tortuosity for the Millington and Quirk model is
and for the Bruggeman model the tortuosity is defined as
User defined expressions for the tortuosity factor can also be applied.