Attenuation Within Domains
Rays can gradually lose energy as they propagate through absorbing media. For a plane wave propagating through an absorbing medium with attenuation coefficient α (SI unit: 1/m), the intensity decreases exponentially:
The Ray Acoustics interface defines an additional dependent variable A (dimensionless) for the path integral of the attenuation coefficient,
Despite requiring an extra degree of freedom per ray, the advantage of Equation 7-4 over Equation 7-3 is that the dependent variables in Equation 7-4 all vary linearly within a homogeneous medium. This makes Equation 7-4 much more stable when the solver takes long time steps, compared to Equation 7-3, potentially reducing solution time and improving accuracy.
The attenuation coefficient is controlled by the option selected from the Fluid model list in the Pressure Acoustics Model section of the Medium Properties.
If Linear elastic is selected, no attenuation occurs.
If Linear elastic with attenuation is selected, the attenuation factor is user-defined.
If Thermally conducting and viscous is selected, the attenuation factor is defined in terms of the medium properties:
ρ (SI unit: kg/m3) is the density.
Cp (SI unit:  J/(kg·K)) is the heat capacity at constant pressure.
γ (dimensionless) is the ratio of specific heats.
k (SI unit: W/(m·K)) is the thermal conductivity.
μ (SI unit: Pa·s) is the dynamic viscosity.
μB (SI unit: Pa·s) is the bulk viscosity.