The impulse response (IR) in a room acoustics simulation can be analyzed by collecting the ray information using the Receiver data set and then graphically postprocess using the
Impulse Response plot. The IR can be determined for sources and boundary data (absorption coefficients, scattering parameters, source directivity, volume attenuation etc.) given in octave, 1/3 octave, or 1/6 octave bands.
Make sure that either the Compute intensity and power or the Compute power option is selected in the Intensity Computation section. The Compute power option requires fewer degrees of freedom and is more robust. If it is selected the ray intensity ( rac.I and rac.logI) cannot be visualized in Ray Trajectories plots, but both the Sound Pressure Level Calculation and the impulse response can be computed. If the media is graded (that is, the speed of sound can change continuously as a function of position), instead choose Compute intensity and power in graded media.
To be able to postprocess the IR, a Parametric Sweep needs to be used in the study around the Ray Tracing study step. The sweep parameter should be the frequency defined in the parameters. To easily create a Parameter value list representing the center frequencies of the bands use the ISO preferred frequencies entry method.
Note that the Times specified under the Ray Tracing study step only represent the values where the solution is stored, COMSOL uses much smaller internal steps. Use coarse time intervals to reduce the model size when saved. So-called Extra Time Steps are used when reconstructing the IR and other data (see below).
Use a Receiver 2D (

) or
Receiver 3D data set (

), selected from the
More 2D Data Sets submenu and the
More 3D Data Sets submenu, respectively, to collect the data necessary to visualize the impulse using an
Impulse Response Plot. The
Impulse Response plot uses the data from a
Receiver data set as input
Select the appropriate ray data set in the Data set list. Then select the frequency parameters that should be used by the receiver; select one frequency for a single band analysis or all for the broad band analysis. This is the typical behavior if a parametric sweep has been set up, as described in
Preparing a Room Acoustics Simulation.
Under Center, specify the x, y, and (3D only) z coordinates for the center of the receiver.
Under Radius, specify the radius of the receiver. From the Radius input list, choose Expression to determine the radius using an expression (see below) or choose User defined to enter a value for the radius in the Radius field (SI unit: m). Different theories exist for the appropriate size of the receiver.
where you enter the values for the Number of rays,
Room volume,
V (SI unit: m
2); and
Source-receiver distance,
dSR (SI unit: m), to determine the radius. See
Ref. 19 for details on the expression.
From the Directivity type list, choose
Omnidirectional (the default) or
User defined to enter a directivity expression in the
Expression field (unit: dB).
Extra time steps are used get a more precise evaluation of the arrival times if the rays and the receiver data set. This is especially important if only a few times have been stored in the output. You can control the added extra time steps from the Maximum number of extra time steps rendered list. It is good practice to increase the value until you get a convergence. Use a
Ray plot of, for example, the power
rac.Q and then increase the extra times values until the solution no longer changes (is converged). This is exemplified in the
Small Concert Hall Acoustics tutorial model.
From the Interpolation between time steps list, you can choose to use a
Linear interpolation (the default) or a
Cubic interpolation, which can be more exact but requires a larger computational effort.
Under Normal variables and
Other variables, if desired, you can change the default names of the created variables for the normal directions (
ny, and, in 3D,
nz) and for the
Distance traveled by a ray inside the receiver, the
Volume of the receiver, the
Directivity, and the
First ray arrival time.
The main purpose for the Receiver data set is to be used as input for the Impulse Response Plot. However, the data generated by the data set can also be exported and used in an external analysis tool or software.
Right-click the data set and select Add Data to Export, then enter the desired data. For example, export the arrival time of the rays
t, the frequency of the rays
rac.f, the power of the rays
rac.Q, the distance traveled by the rays in receiver
re1dist, and so forth. The exported data can be stored and sorted in several formats.
In room acoustics applications, the impulse response (IR) of a source-receiver configuration represents one of the most important postprocessing results. To create the plot based on the data collected by the Receiver data set, add an
Impulse Response subnode (

) to a 1D plot group to create the impulse response plot. After defining the characteristics of the impulse response, click
Plot (

) to create the plot. For further analysis of the IR data, it is recommended to export the plot under the
Export > Plot node and run the analysis in an external software. This could, for example, be to extract room acoustics metrics like the reverberation time and clarity, or use the IR for auralization.
The Small Concert Hall Acoustics model is a tutorial on how to compute the impulse response using the Ray Acoustics interface. The Application Library path is Acoustics_Module/Building_and_Room_Acoustics/ small_concert_hall
From the Data set list, choose the appropriate
Receiver Data Set. Then from the
Frequency interpretation list choose an interpretation of the frequency:
Octave (the default),
1/3 octave, or
1/6 octave. This selections should coincide with the frequency interpretation used in boundary conditions and sources in the underlying Ray Acoustics simulation, as described in
Preparing a Room Acoustics Simulation. The frequency content and resolution of the impulse response is based on this selection.
From the Transformation list, choose a transformation of the data on the x-axis:
None (the default), for no transformation, to show the time domain signal, or
Frequency spectrum. The latter will perform an FFT of the IR and depict the amplitude as function of frequency.
The following settings are available to control the Kaiser-Bessel window functions (see Ref. 21) that are used to reconstruct the frequency content of the impulse response. Each ray contributes with an amplitude, arrival time, and frequency content to the time domain signal.
Select to Remove noncausal signal (selected per default). This options removes the unphysical parts of the impulse response signal that appear before the arrival time of the first ray. This part is generated due to the nature of the window functions used for the signal reconstruction.
You can also change the Coloring and Style of the graph or add and format a legend in the
Legends section.
The energy response depicted as a reflectogram or ehogram can be plotted using a Ray (Plot) and depict the expression
re1dist*rac.Q/re1vol. This will give the intensity received by the “microphone” for each ray.