Domain Sources
Add a Domain Sources node to define the mass source, and momentum and energy source types. This domain feature adds the right-hand side Sc , Sm, and Se to the governing Equation 4-1 defined through different options
where M is a mass source, A is an acceleration source, F is a volume force source, prc is a pressure rate of change source, and Q is a volumetric heat source. Notice that the mass source term enters both the momentum and the energy equations in a consistent way. The Domain Sources can be used to create any user defined source by entering expressions into the fields. The sources can for example be point-like Gaussian sources to model an idealized single vortex or two interacting vortices.
Domain Sources
Enter a Mass source M (SI unit: kg/(m3·s)).
Select a Momentum source type: Acceleration (the default) or Volume force. For Acceleration enter vector expressions or values for the Acceleration source A (SI unit: m/s2). For Volume force enter vector expressions or values for the Volume force source F (SI unit: N/m3).
Select an Energy source type: Pressure rate of change (the default) or Heat source. For Pressure rate of change enter an expression or value for the Pressure rate of change source prc (SI unit: Pa/s). For Heat source enter vector expressions or values for the Heat source Q (SI unit: W/m3).