Rigid Connector Theory
The rigid connector is a special kinematic constraint, which can be attached to one or several boundaries, edges or points. The effect is that all connected entities behave as if they were connected by a common rigid body.
The only degrees of freedom needed to represent this assembly are the ones needed to represent the movement of a rigid body. In 2D this is simply two in-plane translations, and the rotation around the z-axis.
In 3D the situation is more complex. Six degrees of freedom, usually selected as three translations and three parameters for the rotation, are necessary. For finite rotations, however, any choice of three rotation parameters is singular at some specific set of angles. For this reason, a four-parameter quaternion representation is used for the rotations in COMSOL Multiphysics. Thus, each rigid connector in 3D actually has seven degrees of freedom, three for the translation and four for the rotation. The quaternion parameters are called a, b, c, and d, respectively. These four parameters are not independent, so an extra equation stating that the following relation is added:
The connection between the quaternion parameters and a rotation matrix R is
Under pure rotation, a vector from the center of rotation (Xc) of the rigid connector to a point X on the undeformed object is rotated into
where x is the new position of the point originally at X. The displacement is by definition
where I is the unit matrix.
When the center of rotation of the rigid connector also has a translation uc, then the complete expression for the rigid body displacements is
The total rotation of the rigid connector can be also presented as a rotation vector. Its definition is
The parameter a can be considered as measuring the rotation, while b, c, and d can be interpreted as the orientation of the rotation vector. For small rotations, this relation simplifies to
The rotation vector is available as the variables thx_tag, thy_tag, and thz_tag. Here tag is the tag of the Rigid Connector node in the Model Builder tree.
It is possible to apply forces and moments directly to a rigid connector. A force implicitly contributes also to the moment if it is not applied at the center of rotation of the rigid connector. The directions of the forces and moments are fixed in space and do not follow the rotation of the rigid connector.