Cam-Clay Material Model
About the Cam-Clay Material Model
The Cam-clay material model was developed at the University of Cambridge in the 1970s, and since then it has experienced different modifications. The modified Cam-clay model is the most commonly used due to the smooth yield surface, and it is the one implemented in the Geomechanics Module.
The Cam-clay model is a so-called critical state model, where the loading and unloading of the material follows different trajectories in stress space. The model also features hardening and softening of clays. Different formulations can be found in textbooks about these models (see Ref. 13, Ref. 14, and Ref. 15).
The yield function is written in terms of the variables
Following the Structural Mechanics Module sign convention:
This is an ellipse in p-q plane, with a cross section independent of Lode angle and smooth for differentiation. Note that p, q, and pc are always positive variables.
The material parameter M > 0 defines the slope of a line in the p-q space called critical state line, and it can be related to the angle of internal friction in the Mohr-Coulomb criterion
Figure 3-13: Modified Cam-clay surface in the pq-plane. The ellipse circumscribes a nonlinear elastic region.
In the Cam-clay model, hardening is controlled by the consolidation pressure pc, which depends exponentially on the volumetric plastic strain εpl,vol.
The volumetric plastic strain is available in the variable solid.epvol and the consolidation pressure in the variable solid.Pc.
Here, the parameter pc0 is the initial consolidation pressure, and the exponent Bpl is a parameter which depends on the initial void ratio e0, the swelling index κ, and the compression index λ:
The initial void ratio, the compression index, and the swelling index are all positive parameters and must fulfill
, so
The void ratio e is the ratio between pore volume and solid volume. It can be written in terms of the porosity as e = /(1).
In this formulation, the compression index λ is the slope of the virgin isotropic consolidation line, and κ is the slope of the rebound-reloading line (also called loading-reloading line) in the e versus ln(p) plane.
Figure 3-14: Slopes of the virgin isotropic consolidation line and rebound-reloading line in the e vs. ln(p) plane. The reference void ratio N is measured at the reference pressure prefN.
If an Initial Stress and Strain feature subnode is added to the Cam-clay material, the initial consolidation pressure pc0 must be made equal or bigger than one third of minus the trace of the initial stress tensor, otherwise the initial stress state is outside the Cam-clay ellipse.
Volumetric Elastic Behavior
The stress-strain relation beyond the elastic range is of great importance in soil mechanics. For additive decomposition of strains, Cauchy’s stress tensor is written as
Here, σ is the Cauchy stress tensor, ε is the total strain tensor, εinel is the inelastic strain tensor, σ0 is the initial stress tensor, and C is the fourth-order elasticity tensor.
For a linear elastic material, the trace of the Cauchy’s stress tensor is linearly related to the volumetric elastic strain (the trace of the elastic strain tensor) by the elastic bulk modulus
here p0 = − trace0)/3 is the trace of the initial stress tensor σ0, and K is the bulk modulus, a constant parameter independent of the stress or strain.
The modified Cam-clay model introduces a nonlinear relation between stress and volumetric elastic strain
and K0 a reference bulk modulus. This formulation gives a tangent bulk modulus KT = −Bel(pp0). The reference bulk modulus is calculated from the initial consolidation pressure pc0, and the void ratio at reference pressure N.
Hardening and Softening
The yield surface for the modified Cam-clay model reads
The associated flow rule (Qp = Fy) and the yield surface written in terms of these two invariants, Fy(I1, J2), gives a rate equation for the plastic strain tensor calculated from the derivatives of Fy with respect to the stress tensor σ
Here, λp means the plastic multiplier, see Plastic Flow for Small Strains and Isotropic Hardening.
The plastic strain rate tensor includes both deviatoric and isotropic parts. Note that
These relations can be used for writing the plastic flow as
The trace of the plastic strain rate tensor (the volumetric plastic strain rate ) then reads
This relation explains the reason why there is isotropic hardening for p > pc/2 and isotropic softening for p < pc/2. So the volumetric plastic strain can either increase or decrease.
In the Cam-clay model, the hardening is controlled by the consolidation pressure variable as a function of volumetric plastic strain, as written in Equation 3-35. Hardening introduces changes in the shape of the Cam-clay ellipse, since its major semi-axis depends on the value of pc.
Including Pore Fluid Pressure
When a pore fluid pressure pf is added to the Cam-clay material, the yield surface is shifted on the p axis
The quantity p − pf is normally regarded as the effective pressure, or effective stress, which should not be confused with von Mises stress.
See also the description of the Cam-Clay Material material model in the Solid Mechanics interface documentation.