You can add the Initial Stress and Strain subnode to the
Linear Elastic Material, in order to specify the stress or strain state in the structure before applying any constraint or load. The values given are not initial values in the mathematical sense, but rather a contribution to the constitutive relation
The Shell local system is selected by default. This means that the orientations are the same as used for the material description.
If you select Projected from coordinate system, you can select any coordinate system present in the model. The
Coordinate system list will then contain any coordinate system present in the model. The coordinate system given is projected onto the shell surface as described in
Local Coordinate Systems.
Specify the initial stress as the Initial in-plane force, the
Initial moment, and the
Initial out-of-plane shear force. Enter values or expressions in the applicable fields for the:
Specify the initial strain as the Initial membrane strain, the
Initial bending strain, and the
Initial transverse shear strain. Enter values or expressions in the applicable fields for the:
Physics tab with Linear Elastic Material node selected in the model tree:
Attributes>Initial Stress and Strain