The Magnetostriction multiphysics coupling node () passes the appropriate magnetization contribution from the Magnetostrictive Material node in the Solid Mechanics interface (where it is defined together with the material properties of the magnetostrictive material) to the Ampère’s Law, Magnetostrictive node in the Magnetic Fields interface. It also passes the mechanics stress contribution due to the applied magnetic field back to the Magnetostrictive Material node.
Coupling type
From the list, choose one of these coupling types:
Joule effect, also known as direct magnetostrictive effect, to include only the deformation of the material caused by its magnetization in response to the applied magnetic field.
Villari effect, also known as inverse magnetostrictive effect, to include only the change in the material magnetization as a results of applied mechanical stress or strain.
Fully coupled (the default) to include both the direct and inverse magnetostrictive effects.
In 2D and 2D axial symmetry geometries only, select the Lorentz force contribution check box to include the electric field changes and the body load caused by the material motion in a magnetic field. This has no effect under stationary studies.