Basic Modeling Steps for Fluid-Structure Interaction
The following steps describe the basics of how to set up a model of fluid-structure interaction:
In the Model Wizard or Add Physics window, select the Fluid-Structure Interaction interface. Click Next.
Select a study option—Stationary, Stationary, One-Way Coupled, Time Dependent, or Time Dependent, One-Way Coupled from the Preset Studies branch on the Select Study Type list; then click Finish.
If you also have the CFD Module, you can add a Stationary, One-Way Coupled with Initialization or Transient, One-Way Coupled with Initialization study for turbulence models requiring the wall distance. See Stationary, One-Way Coupled with Initialization and Transient, One-Way Coupled with Initialization in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more information.
By default, the Fluid-Structure Interaction interface adds a Fluid Properties node for the fluid domain as well as a Free Deformation node for the mesh displacements in the moving mesh to all domains in the geometry.
For the solid domain, the default is the Linear Elastic Material node with the setting to include geometric nonlinearity and an initially empty selection.
To use another material model for the solid, from the Physics toolbar, Domains>Solid Mechanics submenu, select a material node for the solid. Add the domains that represent the solid to its selection. That selection automatically overrides the Fluid Properties and Free Deformation nodes in the solid.
Typically, fluid-structure interaction means that there are large deformations. In this case, the Include geometric nonlinearity check box should be selected in the Study Settings section of the Settings window for the study.
Verify that the default boundary conditions are correctly assigned for the three types of boundaries in the model: the Wall node for all fluid boundaries (and a Prescribed Mesh Displacement node for zero mesh displacements on the same boundaries), the Free node for all solid boundaries, and the Fluid-Solid Interface Boundary node on the interior boundaries between the fluid and the solid. The Fluid-Solid Interface Boundary node implements the coupling from the force exerted on the solid boundary by the fluid as well as the as the structural velocities acting on the fluid as a moving wall.
Add additional boundary conditions as needed. Typically the fluid domain needs an Inlet node and an Outlet node for the inflow and outflow boundaries, respectively.
To add these nodes from the Physics toolbar, Boundaries>Laminar Flow submenu, select Inlet and Outlet (if the fluid is laminar). The solid domain needs some constraint such as a Fixed Constraint at some boundary.
To solve the problem, from the Study toolbar click Compute. The solver settings might require some adjustments depending on the characteristics of the model.
Studies and Solvers in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual