Initial Values
The Initial Values node adds initial values for pressure, turbulent dissipation rate, turbulent kinetic energy, reciprocal wall distance, displacement field, and velocity field.
These variables can serve as an initial condition for a transient simulation or as an initial guess for a nonlinear analysis. If more than one set of initial values is required, add additional Initial Values nodes from the Physics toolbar.
Initial Values
Enter the initial values as values or expressions. The variables for turbulence are only valid for fluid flow using a turbulence model.
Pressure p (SI unit: Pa)
Turbulent dissipation rate εp (ep) (SI unit: m2/s3)
Turbulent kinetic energy k (SI unit: m2/s3)
Reciprocal wall distance G (SI unit: 1/m)
Displacement field usolid (SI unit: m)
Velocity field ufluid (SI unit: m/s)