Use the Safety node to set up variables which can be used to check the risk of failure according to various criteria. Four different variables describing the failure risk will be defined, as described in Table 8-3. You can add any number of Safety nodes.
Failure Model
Select a Failure Criterion von Mises Isotropic, Tresca Isotropic, or Rankine Isotropic.
When Failure Criterion is von Mises Isotropic, enter Tensile strength σts.
When Failure Criterion is Tresca Isotropic, enter Tensile strength σts.
When Failure Criterion is Rankine Isotropic, enter Tensile strength σts and Compressive strength σcs.
When Failure Criterion is User defined, you enter two expressions describing the Failure criterion g(S), used in the failure index, and the Safety factor sf(S) respectively. As an example, if you would like to replicate the von Mises Isotropic criterion with tensile strength 350 MPa, you could enter g(S) as solid.mises/350[MPa]-1 and sf(S) as 350[MPa]/(solid.mises+eps).
For all input fields, the default is to take the value From material. Change to User defined to enter other values or expressions.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Beam Cross Section>Safety
Physics tab with  Beam Cross Section selected: