Computation of Stresses
The stresses are computed using the following expressions:
Axial Stress
The axial stress is computed as:
where N is the axial force.
Bending Axial Stresses
The bending stresses are computed as:
Where M1 is the moment around the first principal axis and M2 is the moment around the second principal axis.
Bending Shear Stresses
The components of the shear stresses caused by a shear force T1 along the x1 axis are:
The components of the shear stresses caused by a shear force T2 along the x2 axis are:
In both cases, the resultants are also computed as:
Torsional Shear Stresses
The components of the shear stress caused by Saint-Venant torsion are:
where Mt is the twisting moment. The resultant is computed as:
Effective Stress
The von Mises effective stress is computed from the stress components defined above using the expression: