Point Load
Add a Point Load to points for concentrated forces or moments at points. The loads are defined in the given coordinate system.
Point Load
Enter values or expressions for the components (x, y, z for 3D models and x, y for 2D models) of the point load FP.
Point Moment
Enter values or expressions for the components (x, y, z for 3D models and z for 2D models) of the point moment MP (3D) or Mlz (2D).
The FP list normally only contains User defined. When combining the Beam interface with another physics interface, it is also possible to choose a predefined load from this list.
You can add the Phase subnode to specify the phase of this load in a frequency domain analysis.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Beam>Point Load
Beam Rotor> Point Load
Physics tab with Beam or Beam Rotor selected:
Points>Beam>Point Load