Ray Properties
The behavior of the Ray Properties node is based on whether the Allow frequency distributions at release features check box is selected under the physics interface Ray Release and Propagation section.
By default, the check box is not selected. Then the Ray Properties node is used to specify the free-space wavelength or frequency of the rays. When the check box is selected, the ray frequency is specified in the individual release features.
Ray Properties
This section is shown when the Allow frequency distributions at release features check box is cleared in the physics interface Ray Release and Propagation section.
Select an option from the Ray property specification list — Specify vacuum wavelength (the default) or Specify frequency.
For Specify vacuum wavelength enter a Vacuum wavelength λ0 (SI unit: m). The default is 660 nm.
For Specify frequency enter a Ray frequency v (SI unit: Hz). The default is 4.54 × 1014 Hz.