Far-Field Support in the Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain Interface
The Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain interface supports far-field analysis. To define the far-field variables use the Far-Field Calculation node. Select a domain for the far-field calculation. Then select the boundaries where the algorithm integrates the near field, and enter a name for the far electric field. Also specify if symmetry planes are used in the model when calculating the far-field variable. The symmetry planes have to coincide with one of the Cartesian coordinate planes. For each of these planes it is possible to select the type of symmetry to use, which can be of either symmetry in E (PMC) or symmetry in H (PEC). Make the choice here match the boundary condition used for the symmetry boundary. Using these settings, the parts of the geometry that are not in the model for symmetry reasons can be included in the far-field analysis.
The Far-Field Domain and the Far-Field Calculation nodes get their selections automatically, if the Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) feature has been defined before adding the Far-Field Domain feature.
For each variable name entered, the software generates functions and variables, which represent the vector components of the far electric field. The names of these variables are constructed by appending the names of the independent variables to the name entered in the field.
For example, the name Efar is entered and the geometry is Cartesian with the independent variables x, y, and z, the generated variables get the names Efarx, Efary, and Efarz.
If, on the other hand, the geometry is axisymmetric with the independent variables r, phi, and z, the generated variables get the names Efarr, Efarphi, and Efarz.
In 2D, the software only generates the variables for the nonzero field components. The physics interface name also appears in front of the variable names so they can vary, but typically look something like emw.Efarz and so forth.
To each of the generated variables, there is a corresponding function with the same name. This function takes the vector components of the evaluated far-field direction as arguments.
The vector components also can be interpreted as a position. For example, assume that the variables dx, dy, and dz represent the direction in which the far electric field is evaluated.
The expression
gives the value of the far electric field in this direction. To give the direction as an angle, use the expression
where the variables theta and phi are defined to represent the angular direction in radians. The magnitude of the far field and its value in dB are also generated as the variables normEfar and normdBEfar, respectively.