Linear Elastic Material
The Linear Elastic Material node includes the equations of structural mechanics only. This feature should be used when the potential is constant within the solid region, so that the electric field is zero. A typical example would be a metal structure held at a fixed potential. Since the electric field is zero, there are no electrical forces acting within the domain, but forces acting on the surface are captured by the Electromechanical Interface node, which automatically obtains the appropriate selection.
For the Linear Elastic Material, Geometric Nonlinearity and Energy Dissipation sections, see Linear Elastic Material as described for the Solid Mechanics interface.
Force Calculation
The electromechanical solid feature defines global vector quantities corresponding to the force and torque that is generated on the solid by the surface forces acting on the solid. These forces correspond to the jump in the Maxwell stress tensor that occurs at the interface. The force vector is available as variables of the form: (emi.Force_x_0, emi.Force_y_0, emi.Force_z_0) and the torque vector variables are of the form: (emi.Tx_0, emi.Ty_0, emi.Tz_0).
Enter coordinates for the Torque axis rax and Torque rotation point r0. A torque calculation about a given point (Torque rotation point) is made.
Capacitive Pressure Sensor: Application Library path MEMS_Module/Sensors/capacitive_pressure_sensor