Discrete Ordinates Method Implementation in 2D
For a given index i, define two indices, i+ and i, so that
Ω, Si+, and Si- have the same components in the xy–plane
and Si+ and Si- have opposite components in the z direction.
Assuming that a model is invariant in the z direction, the radiative transfer equation in two directions, Si+ and Si-, for the discrete ordinates method (DOM) reads:
By summing these two equations and introducing which is equal to and (these are equal in 2D):
which can be rewritten as:
In addition if φ(SiSj) can be rewritten as a function of Si ⋅ Sj, as it is in COMSOL Multiphysics implementation, then
In addition
so the above equation can be simplified:
since the third component of is zero in 2D.
Also notice that
with .
Using results from Equation 4-80 and Equation 4-81 the DOM is formulated in 2D using only radiative intensities, , on half of the 3D DOM directions, , except for the scattering term. In other expressions than the scattering term, the z component of the radiative intensities Ii and of the discrete directions Ωi can be ignored (or set to zero) and the weight wi, multiplied by 2.