Electromagnetic Heat Source
Use this multiphysics coupling () to account for electromagnetic volumetric and surface losses in the heat equation.
See Electromagnetic Heat Source in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for a description of this multiphysics coupling in the context of Joule heating and laser heating modeling.
See Electromagnetic Heat Source in the AC/DC Module User’s Guide for a description of this multiphysics coupling in the context of induction heating modeling.
See Electromagnetic Heat Source in the RF Module User’s Guide for a description of this multiphysics coupling in the context of microwave heating modeling.
Hepatic Tumor Ablation: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Medical_Technology/tumor_ablation
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Multiphysics>Electromagnetic Heat Source
when any of the following interface is added together with Heat Transfer in Solids (or another version of the Heat Transfer interface):
Electric Currents
Electric Currents, Shells
Magnetic Field Formulation
Magnetic Fields
Magnetic and Electric Fields
Rotating Machinery, Magnetic