Turbulent Mixing
This subnode should be used to account for the turbulent mixing caused by the eddy diffusivity in moisture convection, for example when the specified velocity field corresponds to a RANS solution.
The Turbulent Mixing node adds the following contribution to the diffusion coefficient D of Equation 7-4 of Moist Air node:
where νT is the turbulent kinematic viscosity (SI unit: m2/s) and ScT is the turbulent Schmidt number (dimensionless).
Turbulent Mixing Parameters
Enter a value or expression for the Turbulent kinematic viscosity νT and the Turbulent Schmidt number ScT. If a turbulent fluid flow interface is active, the Turbulent kinematic viscosity can be taken directly from this interface.
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Moisture Transport in Air>Moist Air>Turbulent Mixing
Moisture Transport in Building Materials>Moist Air>Turbulent Mixing
Physics Tab with Moist Air selected in the model tree:
Domains>Turbulent Mixing