Nonisothermal Flow and Conjugate Heat Transfer Multiphysics Interfaces
These Nonisothermal Flow and Conjugate Heat Transfer Multiphysics Interfacesmultiphysics interfaces are identical except that they do not have the same default features. Both contain a single-phase flow interface and a heat transfer interface coupled with the Nonisothermal Flow multiphysics feature. So all the benefits of this multiphysics feature (see above) are present when these multiphysics interfaces are used.
In addition, the heat transfer and fluid flow interfaces are set up with optimal interface settings: the discretization order of the heat transfer interface is the same as the one used for the fluid flow interface, and the pseudo time stepping is activated in both interfaces.
For these reasons, the use of these multiphysics interfaces is preferred.
Note that you can do a gradual implementation of the model: It is possible to start from these multiphysics interfaces and to disable the multiphysics feature or one of the physics in a first step and then reactivate them when the first step is validated.