Boundary fluxes (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells interface)
On boundaries, the Heat Transfer in Shells interface computes fluxes (vector quantities) depending on active physics nodes and selected properties.
Total Heat Flux (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells interface)
The total heat flux, tflux, is the sum of the conductive and convective heat fluxes:
Conductive Heat Flux (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells interface)
The conductive heat flux variable, dflux, is evaluated depending on the conductive behavior of the boundary (thermally thin approximation, thermally thick approximation, or general).
Convective Heat Flux (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells interface)
The convective heat flux variable, cflux, is defined using the internal energy, Ei:
The internal energy, Ei, is defined as:
Ei = H for solid boundaries
Ei = H − p for fluid boundaries
where H is the enthalpy defined in Equation 4-5.
Total Energy Flux (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells interface)
The total energy flux, teflux, is defined as:
where the total enthalpy, H0, is defined as
In addition, in-plane boundary heat fluxes (scalar quantities) are available on boundaries.
In-Plane Total Heat Flux (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells interface)
The variable ttflux is defined as:
In-Plane Conductive Heat Flux (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells interface)
The variable tdflux is defined as:
In-Plane Convective Heat Flux (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells interface)
The variable tcflux is defined as:
In-Plane Total Energy Flux (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells interface)
The variable tteflux is defined as: