Insulation/Continuity (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells Interface)
This node is the default edge condition on thin shells. On external edges, this condition means that there is no heat flux across the edge:
On internal edges, this condition means that the temperature field and its flux is continuous across the edge.
Pair Selection
If this node is selected from the Pairs menu, choose the pair on which to apply this condition. A pair has to be created first. See Identity and Contact Pairs in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more details.
Shell Conduction: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Tutorials,_Thin_Structure/shell_conduction
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Heat Transfer in Thin Shells>Insulation/Continuity
Heat Transfer in Thin Shells>Pairs>Insulation/Continuity
Physics Tab with Heat Transfer in Thin Shells selected:
Support>Heat Transfer in Thin Shells>Insulation/Continuity
with Support as Egdes in 3D and Points in 2D.