Heat Source (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells Interface)
This node models a linear heat source (or sink). It adds a heat source q = Ql, q = dsQb, or q = Pb ⁄ L. A positive q is heating and a negative q is cooling.
Pair Selection
If this node is selected from the Pairs menu, choose the pair on which to apply this condition. A pair has to be created first. See Identity and Contact Pairs in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more details.
Heat Source
Click the General source (the default) or Heat rate button.
For General source, from the Edge heat source type list, select Heat source defined per unit of length (the default) or Heat source defined per unit of area.
For Heat source defined per unit of length enter a value for the distributed heat source, Ql in unit power per unit length. Positive Ql is heating and a negative Ql is cooling.
For Heat source defined per unit of area enter the boundary heat source Qb. A positive Qb is heating and a negative Qb is cooling.
For Heat rate enter the heat rate Pb. In this case Ql = Pb ⁄ L, where L is the total length of the selected edges.
Frame Selection
The settings are the same for the Heat Source node Frame Selection section.
In 2D components, the equation contains an additional factor, dz, to account for the out-of-plane thickness. This is because the selected points correspond to edges in a 3D geometry.
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Heat Transfer in Thin Shells>Heat Source
Heat Transfer in Thin Shells>Pairs>Heat Source
Physics Tab with Heat Transfer in Thin Shells selected:
Support>Heat Transfer in Thin Shells>Heat Source
Pairs>Heat Source
with Support as Egdes in 3D and Points in 2D.