Heat Flux (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells Interface)
Use this node to add heat flux across boundaries of a thin shell. A positive heat flux adds heat to the domain. This feature adds a heat source (or sink) to edges. It adds a heat flux q = dsq0.
Frame Selection
To display this section add both a Heat Transfer in Thin Shells (htsh) and Moving Mesh (ale) interface (found under the Mathematics>Deformed Mesh branch when adding a physics interface). Then click the Show button () and select Advanced Physics Options. The rest of the settings are the same for the Heat Flux node as described under Frame Selection.
Heat Flux
These settings are the same as for the Heat Flux node available for the other interfaces.
In 2D, q = dsdzq0 to account for the out-of-plane thickness.
Shell Conduction: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Tutorials,_Thin_Structure/shell_conduction
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Heat Transfer in Thin Shells>Heat Flux
Physics Tab with Heat Transfer in Thin Shells selected:
Support>Heat Transfer in Thin Shells>Heat Flux
with Support as Egdes in 3D and Points in 2D.