Layer Heat Source
Use this subnode to add an internal heat source Qs within a thin layer. Add one or more heat sources. If this subnode is applied on a pair, note that the source term is applied on the source side.
Layer Heat Source
Select the General source (the default) or Heat rate button to define Qs.
For General source enter a value or expression for Qs as a heat source per volume.
For Heat rate define the heat rate Ps. In this case Qs = Ps ⁄ V where V = Ads with A equal to the area of the boundary selection.
The Heat rate option is only available when the Layer type is Thermally thin approximation or Thermally thick approximation in the Thin Layer parent node.
With General layer type, a general source user input, Qs,i, is available for each layer. In this case the layers are numbered from the upside (Layer 1) to the downside.
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Heat Transfer in Solids>Thin Layer>Layer Heat Source
More locations are available. For example:
Heat Transfer in Fluids>Thin Layer>Layer Heat Source
Physics Tab with Thin Layer selected in the model tree:
Attributes>Layer Heat Source