Inflow Heat Flux
Use this node to model inflow of heat through a virtual domain with a heat source. The temperature at the outer boundary of the virtual domain is known. This boundary condition estimates the heat flux through the system boundary
where A is the total area of the selected boundaries and
A positive heat flux adds heat to the domain. This feature is applicable to inlet boundaries of non-solid domains.
Inflow Heat Flux
Select the Inward heat flux (the default) or Heat rate buttons.
For Inward heat flux define q0 to add to the total flux across the selected boundaries.
For Heat rate define the heat rate P0. In this case q0 = P0 ⁄ A.
For either selection, the External temperature Text and the External absolute pressure pext should be specified. For User Defined, enter values or expressions. Else, select an Ambient temperature and an Ambient absolute pressure defined in the Ambient Settings section of a Heat Transfer or Heat Transfer in Shells interface.
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Heat Transfer>Inflow Heat Flux
Heat Transfer in Solids>Inflow Heat Flux
Heat Transfer in Fluids>Inflow Heat Flux
Heat Transfer in Porous Media>Inflow Heat Flux
Bioheat Transfer>Inflow Heat Flux
Heat Transfer with Surface-to-Surface Radiation>Inflow Heat Flux
Heat Transfer with Radiation in Participating Media>Inflow Heat Flux
Physics Tab with interface as Heat Transfer, Heat Transfer in Solids, Heat Transfer in Fluids, Heat Transfer in Porous Media, Heat Transfer in Building Materials, Bioheat Transfer, Heat Transfer with Surface-to-Surface Radiation or Heat Transfer with Radiation in Participating Media selected:
Boundaries>interface>Inflow Heat Flux