Incident Intensity
Use this node to specify the radiative intensity along incident directions on a boundary. This intensity is a power per unit solid angle and unit surface area projected onto the plane normal to the radiation direction.
Pair Selection
If this node is selected from the Pairs menu, choose the pair on which to apply this condition. A pair has to be created first. See Identity and Contact Pairs in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more details.
Incident Intensity
The Boundary radiation intensity I should be specified. This represents the value of radiative intensity along incoming discrete directions. Values of radiative intensity on outgoing discrete directions are not prescribed.
When Discrete ordinates method is selected, the components of each discrete ordinate vector can be used in this expression. The syntax is,, and, where name is the physics interface node name. By default, the Heat Transfer interface is ht so,, and correspond to the components of discrete ordinate vectors.
When P1 approximation is selected as the Radiation discretization method for the physics interface, there is additional theory, equations, and variables described in P1 Approximation Theory.
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Heat Transfer with Radiation in Participating Media>Radiation in Participating Media>Incident Intensity
Radiation in Participating Media>Incident Intensity
Heat Transfer with Radiation in Participating Media>Pairs>Incident Intensity
Radiation in Participating Media>Pairs>Incident Intensity
More locations are available if the Radiation in participating media check box is selected under the Physical Model section. For example:
Heat Transfer in Solids>Radiation in Participating Media>Incident Intensity
Physics Tab with interface as Heat Transfer, Heat Transfer in Solids, Heat Transfer in Fluids, Heat Transfer in Porous Media, Heat Transfer in Building Materials, Bioheat Transfer, Heat Transfer with Surface-to-Surface Radiation, Heat Transfer with Radiation in Participating Media or Radiation in Participating Media selected:
Boundaries>Radiation in Participating Media>Incident Intensity
interface>Incident Intensity