Heat Source (Thin Film)
Use this subnode to add an internal heat source Qf within the thin film. Add one or more heat sources. If this subnode is applied on a pair, note that the source term is applied on the source side.
Heat Source
Select the General source (the default) or Heat rate button to define Qf.
For General source enter a value or expression for Qf as a heat source per volume.
For Heat rate define the heat rate Pf. In this case Qf = Pf ⁄ V where V = Adf with A equal to the area of the boundary selection.
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Heat Transfer in Solids>Thin Film>Heat Source
More locations are available. For example:
Heat Transfer in Fluids>Thin Film>Heat Source
Physics Tab with Thin Film selected in the model tree:
Attributes>Heat Source