Heat Flux (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells Interface)
This node adds a heat flux q0u for the upside heat flux and a heat flux q0d for the downward heat flux to the right-hand side of Equation 6-4
For the convective heat flux, q0 is defined as:
Frame Selection
To display this section add both a Heat Transfer in Thin Shells (htsh) and Moving Mesh (ale) interface (found under the Mathematics>Deformed Mesh branch when adding a physics interface). Then click the Show button () and select Advanced Physics Options.
The rest of the settings are the same as for the Out-of-Plane Heat Flux node as described under Frame Selection for About the Heat Transfer Interfaces.
Upside Convective Heat Flux
Select between specifying the upside convective heat flux directly or as a convective term using a heat transfer coefficient.
General Inward Heat Flux
General inward heat flux is selected by default. Enter a value or expression for the inward (or outward, if the quantity is negative) heat flux through the upside in the q0u field.
Convective Heat Flux
Click the Convective heat flux button to specify an inward (or outward, if the quantity is negative) heat flux through the upside as hu ⋅ (Textu − T).
Select a Heat transfer coefficient hu to control the type of convective heat flux to model: User defined (the default), External natural convection, Internal natural convection, External forced convection, or Internal forced convection. If convective flux is only required on the downside, use the default, which sets hu = 0.
For all of the options, enter an External temperature, Textu. For User defined, enter a value or expression. Else, select an Ambient temperature defined in the Ambient Settings section of a Heat Transfer or Heat Transfer in Shells interface.
The rest of the settings are the same for the Out-of-Plane Heat Flux node, as described for the Heat Transfer interface under Convective Heat Flux.
Downside Inward Heat Flux
The options in the Downside Inward Heat Flux section are the same as in the Upside Inward Heat Flux section except it applies to the downside instead of the upside.
In 2D the heat flux contribution is multiplied by dz to account for the out-of-plane thickness.
Upside and downside settings can be visualized by plotting the global normal vector (nx, ny, nz), that always points from downside to upside. Note that the normal vector (ht.nx, ht.ny, ht.nz) may be oriented differently.
See Tangent and Normal Variables in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
Disk-Stack Heat Sink: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Thermal_Contact_and_Friction/disk_stack_heat_sink
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Heat Transfer in Thin Shells>Heat Flux
Physics Tab with Heat Transfer in Thin Shells selected:
Boundaries>Heat Transfer in Thin Shells>Heat Flux