Harmonic Perturbation
Use this subnode to specify the harmonic variation of a prescribed temperature value. It is used only in a study step of type Frequency-Domain Perturbation.
Enter a value or expression for the Temperature perturbation ΔT0 to be added to the equilibrium temperature T0 defined in the parent node.
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Heat Transfer in Solids>Temperature>Harmonic Perturbation
More locations are available. For example:
Heat Transfer in Solids>Thin Rod>Temperature>Harmonic Perturbation
Heat Transfer in Solids>Thin Layer>Temperature>Harmonic Perturbation
Heat Transfer in Solids>Thin Film>Temperature>Harmonic Perturbation
Heat Transfer in Solids>Fracture>Temperature>Harmonic Perturbation
Heat Transfer in Solids>Thin Layer>External Temperature>Harmonic Perturbation
Heat Transfer in Thin Shells>Temperature>Harmonic Perturbation
Physics Tab with Temperature or External Temperature selected in the model tree:
Attributes>Harmonic Perturbation