This feature provides the source terms that represent blood perfusion and metabolism to model heat transfer in biological tissue using the bioheat equation:
Enter values or expressions for these properties and source terms:
Arterial blood temperature Tb, which is the temperature at which blood leaves the arterial blood veins and enters the capillaries. T is the temperature in the tissue, which is the dependent variable that is solved for and not a material property.
Specific heat, blood Cpb, which describes the amount of heat energy required to produce a unit temperature change in a unit mass of blood.
Blood perfusion rate ωb (SI unit: 1/s, which in this case means (m3/s)/m3), describes the volume of blood per second that flows through a unit volume of tissue.
Density, blood ρb, which is the mass per volume of blood.
Metabolic heat source Qmet, which describes heat generation from metabolism. Enter this quantity as the unit power per unit volume.
Hepatic Tumor Ablation: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Medical_Technology/tumor_ablation
Microwave Heating of a Cancer Tumor: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Medical_Technology/microwave_cancer_therapy
Modeling a Conical Dielectric Probe for Skin Cancer Diagnosis: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Medical_Technology/conical_dielectric_probe
Location in User Interface
A default Bioheat node is automatically added to the Biological Tissue node.
Context menus
Bioheat Transfer>Biological Tissue>Bioheat
More locations are available if the Heat transfer in biological tissue check box is selected under the Physical Model section. For example:
Heat Transfer in Solids>Biological Tissue>Bioheat
Physics Tab with Biological Tissue selected in the model tree: