Deforming Electrode Surface
Use the Deforming Electrode Surface node to model deformation of the geometry due to an electrochemical deposition-dissolution process.
The node uses the deposition-dissolution velocity of an Electrode Surface boundary in a current distribution interface to apply a deformation velocity on to a boundary of a Free Deformation domain of a Deformed Geometry Interface.
Special conditions for the tangential velocity at points (2D) and edges (3D) shared with nondeforming surfaces apply, as described in the theory section.
The node, available as a Multiphysics node, can only be added to a component when there is both a Current Distribution and a Deformed Geometry interface present.
Moving Boundary Smoothing
Certain electrode deformation problems are inherently unstable. The Moving Boundary Smoothing will stabilize the moving boundary by applying a fictitious surface tension. Use the Moving boundary smoothing tuning parameter, δmbs, to control smoothing. A higher value means more smoothing.
Recommended settings in the coupled Deformed Geometry Interface
Predefined multiphysics interfaces are available from the model wizard that will automatically add and set up the coupling between a current distribution interface and the deformed geometry node. However, you can also add a Deformed Geometry interface manually to an already existing model.
The following settings are recommended in the Deformed Geometry interface if you are manually setting up the coupling between a Deformed Geometry interface and an Electrochemistry interface using the Deforming Electrode Surface and Nondeforming Boundary multiphysics nodes: