This node can be used to specify the total species flux across a boundary. The total flux of species c is defined accordingly:
where N0 is an arbitrary user-specified flux expression (SI unit: mol/(m2·s)). For example, N0 can represent a flux from or into a much larger surrounding environment, a phase change, or a flux due to chemical reactions. N0 can also be a function of the concentration and the electric potential (if the mass transport includes migration of ionic species).
When diffusion is the only transport mechanism present, the flux condition is extended to include a mass transfer term to describe flux into a surrounding environment:
where kc is a mass transfer coefficient (SI unit: m/s), and cb is the concentration (SI unit: mol/m3) in the surroundings of the modeled system (the bulk concentration). The mass transfer coefficient (to be specified) is often given by boundary-layer theory.
Inward Flux
This is used to individually specify the flux of each species. To use another boundary condition for a specific species, click to clear the check box for the mass fraction of that species.
Note: Use a minus sign when specifying a flux leaving the system.