Hide for Mesh Import
Use the Hide for Mesh Import () to hide geometric entities (boundaries, for example) in the analyzed (finalized) geometry, when based on an imported mesh, used for modeling at a specific geometric entity level for any View. It is also available from a View for a mesh part. Use it to hide parts of the geometry, created from an imported mesh or a mesh part, from the view in the Materials, physics interface, Mesh, studies, and Results branches.
To add Hide for Mesh Import nodes:
In the Model Builder under Definitions click View. On the View toolbar click Hide for Mesh Import, or
Right-click the View node and select Hide for Mesh Import.
The Hide for Mesh Import node is available if you have imported a mesh as an Import node under Mesh and use as the model geometry.
The Settings window for Hide for Mesh Import contains the following section:
Geometric Entity Selection
Hide a set of geometric entities at a specific Geometric entity level: Domain (the default), Boundary, Edge (3D only), or Point. From the Selection list, select Manual (the default) or All domains, All boundaries, All edges (3D only), or All points. If Manual is selected, go to the Graphics window and select the geometric entities that you want to hide. The selected entities appear in the list under the Selection list. For example, hide some domains that are not of interest in the model, or some boundaries only on a specific domain to get a clearer view of some of the model. You can include the hidden entities in a plot by selecting the Show hidden entities check box under Plot Settings in the corresponding plot group’s Settings window. Use the Add to Selection (), Remove from Selection (), Clear Selection (), and Zoom to Selection () buttons as needed. Click the Show Objects in Selection button () at the top of the Settings window to show or hide the selected geometry objects or geometric entities in the Graphics window.