Use an Explicit node () to create the selection using the selection tools for individual geometric entities (boundaries, for example) on the chosen geometric entity level. To add this node, right-click the Definitions node and choose Selections>Explicit.
Input Entities
Based on space dimension, select a Geometric entity level: Domain, Boundary, Edge, or Point for the geometric entities to add or remove from the selection list.
Select and add geometric entities in the Graphics window, using other selection methods, or by selecting the All domains, All boundaries, All edges, or All points check box. The selected items are highlighted in the Graphics window. Selecting the check box for all geometric entities locks all entities of this type as selected even if the geometry changes.
If Boundary (for 2D and 3D models) or Edge is selected, also select the Group by continuous tangent check box to extend the selection to all adjacent faces or edges that have continuous tangents (an angle less than the value in the Angular tolerance field) at their junctions. This grouping makes it possible to select all faces that make up a continuous sheet, for example. When the Group by continuous tangent check box is selected, set the tolerance on the continuity condition in the Angular tolerance field as the maximum angle between two faces or edges that are considered as having continuous tangents (a value between 0 and 180 degrees; the default value is 5 degrees).
Output Entities
Define the geometry objects that the selection contains. The options available and defaults depend on the selection in the Geometric entity level list as well as the space dimension of the Component.
If Domain is the input the default output is the Selected domains.
Select Adjacent boundaries, Adjacent edges, or Adjacent points to use the boundaries, edges, or points next to the selected domains as the selection output (available options depend on the space dimension of the Component). This makes it possible to, for example, make a selection of all boundaries around a domain by first selecting the domain.
Depending on the selection output, choose to include Exterior boundaries (the default) or Interior boundaries; Exterior edges (the default) or Interior edges; or Exterior points (the default) or Interior points. Click to select or clear the check boxes as needed.
If Boundary or Edge are chosen as the input, the default output is the Selected boundaries or Selected edges, respectively. As with the Domain input, select other options as needed. The Point output is the same as the selection input (that is, the selected points).