Copying and Pasting Selection Lists
Another way to create selections (see Creating Named Selections) is to copy and paste existing lists of geometric entities. If, for example, you have a list of geometric entities (boundaries, for example) in a file or document you can copy it to the clipboard and then use Ctrl+V to directly paste that list into a selection list in a Settings window. An example of this is a list of geometric entity numbers described as a step in a modeling instruction.
You can also use the Copy Selection button () and Paste Selection button () if you have a list of geometric entities that you want to paste into a selection list. These buttons are available on many Settings windows as in Figure 6-13 and Figure 6-14 and in the Selection List window.
Copying and Pasting Geometric Entity Information into a Selection List
In the Paste Selection window, paste (press Ctrl+V) or enter the list of geometric entities into the Selection field. Data in the list or entered in the field can include commas and spaces as separators (1, 3), ranges (10–34), and words (and). Click OK to paste the selection into the selection list.