Save Model to File
The Save Model to File node () stores a model in the state it is in at that point in the Batch or Parametric job configuration.
The Overwrite previous model files check box is selected by default. This means that previous models with the same name are overwritten. If a parametric sweep is running, the model is given a unique name based on the current parameter values.
From the Add parameters to filename list, choose None to use the same name for each parameter value, choose Parameter name and value (the default) to add parameter names and values to the filename, or choose Index, which instead of parameter names and parameter values uses an index scheme iX, iY,...., where same indices relate to the same parameter value. The index option gives much shorter filenames.
Enter a Filename including its network path, or click Browse to navigate to the location on your network where you want to store the model.
The names of the saved models are stored in the table under Output where the Filename and Parameters are listed. Open a saved model in a new instance of COMSOL Multiphysics by selecting an Open file from the list or by clicking the Open button.