Export to File
The Export to File node () runs an Export node defined in the Export branch of the model tree. The file is stored with a unique name that is generated from the current parameter values and the filename that the Export node has set. To add this node, right-click the Parametric or Batch job configuration node and select it from the Results submenu. Also see Exporting Data and Images.
Use the Run setting to select the Export node to run. The default behavior (All) is to run all Export nodes.
In the File section you set if the COMSOL software should overwrite files with the same name or if an error should occur, for example. If you clear the Clear previous check box, the job adds the values in each run instead of clearing the previous value.
From the Add parameters to filename list, choose None to use the same name for each parameter value (can be useful if you want to start batch jobs with different parameter values from the command line and use the resulting file for further postprocessing), choose Parameter name and value (the default) to add parameter names and values to the filename, or choose Index, which instead of parameter names and parameter values uses an index scheme iX, iY,...., where same indices relate to the same parameter value. The index option gives much shorter filenames.
In the Output section you find the names of the files created during a sweep. You can select to Open a file by clicking the button. The file then opens in a web browser. The Parameters column in the Output table contains the parameter names, and the Filename column contains the corresponding filename.