Optimization (Job Configurations)
To display this option for Job Configurations, click the Show button () and select Advanced Study Options.
The Optimization () node needs an Optimization study to work. It work analogously to a Parametric Sweep node for parametric sweeps and is only available when you use a gradient-free optimization solver.
The Parametric jobs list shows which Parametric Sweep nodes that the optimization solver runs. Each time the optimization solver needs to evaluate the goal function, it sends a number of control parameter tuples to the parametric sweep node. The value in the Maximum number of simultaneous objective evaluations field in the Optimization study node controls the maximum number of tuples that can be sent to a Parametric Sweep.
You can use the Move Up (), Move Down (), Delete (), and Add () buttons to modify the list of parametric sweeps.
The Log section contains solver log output from the latest optimization run. Select the Keep warnings in stored log check box if you want the warnings to remain in the log for troubleshooting or other use.