Cluster Computing (Job Configurations)
The Cluster Computing () job configuration is useful when you want to submit a batch job to a job scheduler or you want to run the model in distributed mode as a batch job. When you have specified the cluster computing settings, click the Save as Default button () in the Settings window’s toolbar to save the current setting as default.
These settings are saved to The Preferences Dialog Box in the Multicore and Cluster Computing section.
Use the Defined by study step list to specify if the settings are synchronized with the corresponding study step.
If you want to use a job scheduler or do some other operations before or after the job, you set the command line in the Prepend command and Postpend command fields. You can define a default command line with the system properties cs.precmd and cs.postcmd. If the command line contains {nn} or {perhost} they are replaced by the values in the Number of nodes field and Number of processes field, respectively.
From the Batch job list, select which batch job to submit. Click the Go to Source button ) to move to the Settings window for the selected Batch node.
Cluster Settings
After making these settings, click the Save as Default () button on the Settings window toolbar to save the current directory settings as the default preference.
Choose the Scheduler type: General (the default), HPCS 2008/2012, WCCS 2003, OGS/GE, SLURM, or Not distributed:
Select General (the default) to configure to run on many types of clusters and schedulers, including Linux clusters.
When General is selected, and you have started a multiprocessor daemon (MPD) on the computer, click to select the MPD is running check box.
The entry in the Host file field specifies the host file used for the job. If left empty, MPD looks for a file mpd.hosts in the Linux home directory.
Enter the Number of nodes (physical nodes) to use (default is 1 node).
Enter the Number of processes on host. The default is 1.
HPCS 2008
Select HPCS 2008/2012 to use the Windows HPC Server 2008 or HPC Pack 2012 job scheduler to submit the batch job.
If you want to include scheduler arguments, add them to the Additional scheduler arguments field (for example, for mpiexec).
Enter the Number of nodes (physical nodes) to use (the default is 1 node).
Select a Node granularity: Node (the default), Socket, or Core. Node allocates one process on each host, Socket allocates one process on each socket, and Core allocates one process on each core.
The Exclusive nodes check box is selected by default. Click to clear if you want to run on nodes shared by other users.
Under Advanced:
The entry in the Scheduler field is the IP address of the enterprise adapter of the head node or the DNS name of the head node. The default is localhost.
Set the names of Requested nodes. The job scheduler only allocates jobs on the nodes listed by you.
Enter the Node group. The job scheduler only allocates jobs on the nodes belonging to the group.
Enter the minimum required Cores per node. The default is 0. The job scheduler only allocates jobs to nodes with at least as many cores as set.
Enter the minimum required Memory per node (MB). The default is 0. The job scheduler only allocates jobs to nodes with at least as much memory as set.
Enter the Runtime (minutes) before the job is canceled. The default is Infinite.
The entry in the User field is the user account that COMSOL Multiphysics uses for submitting the job. You provide the password in a separate command window that opens at execution time with the possibility to save the credentials.
Select a PriorityHighest, Above normal, Normal (the default), Below normal, or Lowest — for the scheduled job.
WCCS 2003
Select WCCS 2003 to use the Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 job scheduler to submit the batch job.
If you want to include scheduler arguments, add them to the Additional scheduler arguments field (for example, for mpiexec).
Enter the Number of nodes (physical nodes) to use (the default is 1 node).
The Exclusive nodes check box is selected by default. Click to clear if you want to run on nodes shared by other users.
Under Advanced:
The entry in the Scheduler field is the IP address of the enterprise adapter of the head node or the DNS name of the head node. The default is localhost.
Set the names of Requested nodes.
Enter the Runtime (minutes) before the job is canceled. The default is Infinite.
The entry in the User field is the user account that the COMSOL software uses for submitting the job. You provide the password in a separate command window that opens at execution time with the possibility to save the credentials.
Select a PriorityHighest, Above normal, Normal (the default), Below normal, or Lowest — for the scheduled job.
Select OGS/GE to use the Open Grid Scheduler/Grid Engine job scheduler to submit the batch job.
When OGS/GE is selected:
If you want to include scheduler arguments, add them to the Additional scheduler arguments field (for example, for mpiexec).
Select the Bootstrap server that should be used by MPI.
Select a Slot granularityHost, Slot, or Manual — to specify if COMSOL Multiphysics should parallelize on the physical Host level or on the OGS/GE-allocated Slot level. For Host and Slot, specify the Number of slots to allocate. The Manual setting can be used to control the granularity more. In this case set the number of computational nodes to use in the Number of nodes. For Slot and Manual, the number of processes on each node is set in the Number of processes on host field; usually this is 1.
Enter the Queue name to set the name of the Sun Grid Engine.
Enter the Number of processes on host to set the number of processes on each host.
The Sun Grid Engine priority is set in the Priority value field. The default is 0.
Select SLURM to use the SLURM job scheduler to submit the batch job.
When SLURM is selected:
If you want to include scheduler arguments, add them to the Additional scheduler arguments field (for example, for mpiexec).
Enter the Number of nodes (physical nodes) to use (the default is 1 node).
Enter the Queue name to set the name of the Sun Grid Engine.
The Exclusive nodes check box is selected by default. Click to clear if you want to run on nodes shared by other users.
Under Advanced:
The entry in the Scheduler field is the IP address of the enterprise adapter of the head node or the DNS name of the head node. The default is localhost.
Set the names of Requested nodes.
Enter the minimum required Memory per node (MB). The default is 0. The job scheduler only allocates jobs to nodes with at least as much memory as set.
Enter the Runtime (minutes) before the job is canceled. The default is Infinite; that is, the job is never canceled.
The entry in the User field is the user account that the COMSOL software uses for submitting the job. You provide the password in a separate command window that opens at execution time with the possibility to save the credentials.
The SLURM Priority value is set in the Priority value field. The default is 0.
Not Distributed
Select Not distributed when you want to submit a batch job to a job scheduler without running a distributed job.
Remote and Cloud Access
See Remote and Cloud Access described for Cluster Computing.
Micromixer — Cluster Version: Application Library path COMSOL_Multiphysics/Tutorials/micromixer_cluster.