Transient with Phase Initialization
The Transient with Phase Initialization () study is used for time-dependent two-phase flow models that require an initialization of a level set function or phase field function. It adds a Phase Initialization study step followed by a Time Dependent study step to the Study node. The Phase Initialization study step is dedicated to solving for the reciprocal distance to the phase interface.
This study requires the CFD Module or Microfluidics Module.
Phase Initialization
The Phase Initialization () study step is added to the Transient with Phase Initialization study when using two-phase flow or a moving interface. This first step is dedicated to solving for the reciprocal interface distance. In the case of two-phase flow, the distance determined in the initialization step is the distance to the phase interface. The settings for this study are the same as for the Time Dependent study.
If you have the CFD Module: Droplet Breakup in a T-Junction, Application Library path CFD_Module/Multiphase_Benchmarks/droplet_breakup.
If you have the Microfluidics Module: Droplet Breakup in a T-Junction, Application Library path Microfluidics_Module/Multiphysics_Module/Two-Phase_Flow/droplet_breakup.