Stationary with Initialization and Transient with Initialization
The Stationary with Initialization and Transient with Initialization studies are available with a variety of turbulent flow physics interfaces, which require either the CFD Module or Heat Transfer Module.
Stationary with Initialization
The Stationary with Initialization () study is used for stationary turbulent flow models that require an initialization. It adds a Wall Distance Initialization study step followed by a Stationary study step to the Study node. The Wall Distance Initialization study step is dedicated to solving for the reciprocal wall distance, that is, the reciprocal distance to the closest wall. The second step is an ordinary Stationary study step, but it excludes the reciprocal wall distance except when the physics is put on a moving frame, in which case the reciprocal wall distance is solved for in the stationary step as well.
Turbulent Flow, SST interface: Flow Around an Inclined NACA 0012 Airfoil, Application Library path CFD_Module/Single-Phase_Benchmarks/naca0012_airfoil.
High Mach Number Flow interface: Transonic Flow in a Sajben Diffuser, Application Library path CFD_Module/High_Mach_Number_Flow/sajben_diffuser.
Transient with Initialization
The Transient with Initialization () study is used for time-dependent turbulent flow models that require an initialization. It adds a Wall Distance Initialization study step followed by an ordinary Time Dependent study step to the Study node. The Wall Distance Initialization study step is dedicated to solving for the reciprocal wall distance, that is, the reciprocal distance to the closest wall.
Wall Distance Initialization
The Wall Distance Initialization () study step is added to the Stationary with Initialization and Transient with Initialization studies when using a turbulent model. This first step is dedicated to solving for the reciprocal wall distance. For turbulence models, the distance determined in the initialization step is the distance to the closest wall. For two-phase flow it is the distance to the phase interface. The settings for this study are the same as for the Stationary and Time Dependent studies.