1D Image, 2D Image, or 3D Image
Use the 1D Image, 2D Image, and 3D Image nodes to export plot images as PNG, BMP, EPS, TIFF, GIF, or JPEG image files.
To export a plot, right-click Export () and select 1D image, 2D Image, or 3D Image, or right-click any Plot Group node, for example, 3D Plot Group or 1D Plot Group, and select Add Image to Export. Click the Image node under Export.
Use the Animation node, for example, to export multiple images for different time steps or eigenvalues.
Select a Subject. The list contains the 1D, 2D, or 3D plot groups previously defined. 1D Image uses data from 1D Plot Groups, 2D Image uses data from 2D Plot Groups, and 3D Image uses data from 3D Plot Groups.
Under Scene, for 2D Image and 3D Image models, select a View: From plot group (the default) to use the view from the plot group settings, or select another view from the list (if available and previously defined). It is also possible to choose New view. The image then uses that new view, which appears as a View 2D () or View 3D () node under Views.
On the Settings window toolbar, click the Refresh button () to refresh the Graphics window to get a preview of the image to export. This is useful when the Subject or View selection is changed.
Choose a Size: Manual to specify the image size manually or Current to use the current size of the Graphics windows. For either Size option, the Zoom extents check box is available, which you can select to add a zoom to extents before exporting the image. Also, the Antialiasing check box is selected by default to reduce stairstep-like lines and to smooth lines and edges. The rest of these settings are available if Manual is selected.
Select a Unit of dimension: Pixels (px) (the default), Millimeters (mm), or Inches (in).
Select the Lock aspect ratio check box to keep the original image width and height.
In the Width and Height fields, enter the number of pixels, millimeters, or inches for the final image size.
Enter a Resolution. The default is 96 DPI (dots per inch).
Choose an image file Format: PNG (the default), BMP, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, or EPS (1D only). If you choose the JPEG format, you can also control the quality of the image using a quality measure (scalar number) between 1 and 100 (a higher number represents a higher quality). The default value is 92. Select the check box next to Quality to enter another quality number.
Enter a Filename including a path to save it to your computer or click Browse and navigate to where you want to Save the output.
Select the Always ask for filename check box if you want the program to always display a dialog box for specifying where to store the image.
One additional Background option is available for the Image export when using a PNG file format: Transparent. Otherwise, see Animation for the rest of the settings. For 1D Image nodes, the Include check box is selected by default.
Click the Export button () in the Settings window or right-click the node and select Export. The Messages window confirms where the files are exported as specified in the File section.