Using Operations on an Imported Mesh
The following example shows how you can use the mesh import operations to control the partitioning of an imported mesh.
imported mesh
The following overview is based on using an imported mesh from the feeder_clamp model, found in the COMSOL Multiphysics Applications Libraries and shown in Figure 8-4.
Deformation of a Feeder Clamp: Application Library path COMSOL_Multiphysics/Structural_Mechanics/feeder_clamp
Figure 8-4: The Deformation of a Feeder clamp model showing an imported mesh, which is divided into 5 domains, 69 faces, 174 edges, and 114 points.
join entities
To form a single domain, use a Join Entities () node, which operates on the domain level (that is, add All domains to the selection). As a result, you can obtain a mesh for the model with a single domain.
delete entities
To remove all edges, use a Delete Entities () node, which operates on the edge level (that is, add All edges to the selection). As a result, you can obtain a mesh for the model with no edges or points.
To define a boundary that defines the contact between the feeder and the clamp, use a Cylinder () node that operates on the boundary level (that is, add All boundaries to the selection, and use 10.001 as a cylinder radius, 0 and -20 for top and bottom, (15, 0, 35) as position, and y-axis as the axis type).
Figure 8-5: Using a Cylinder node to define the contact between the feeder and the clamp.
logical expressions
To define two boundaries that define screw channels, use a Logical Expression () node, which operates on the boundary level (that is, add All boundaries to the selection and use (y+10)^2+(z-55)^2<=4 as the expression).
Figure 8-6: Using a Logical Expression to create boundaries on the two screw channels of the feeder clamp.
To create a boundary defining one of the washers used for the boundary loads of the model, use a Ball () node, which operates on the boundary level (use (5,-10, 55) as a ball center and 3.5 as a ball radius). The input boundary selection must be limited; otherwise, the ball operation also splits one of the cylinder boundaries, which was created by the Logical Expression node.
Figure 8-7: Using a Ball node to define one of the washers of the feeder clamp.
By creating a duplicate of the Ball node and modifying the ball center (set x to 5) you can create a boundary for the second washer.
Figure 8-8: Using a Ball node to define a second washer.
To create the boundaries for the mounting holes, use a Box () node, which operates on the boundary level (use (0 - 30, -30 - 10, 0.1 - 4.9) as box limits and use the Some vertex condition).
Figure 8-9: Using a Box node to define the mounting holes on the feeder clamp.
create vertex
Using the Create Vertex () node, it is possible to add an additional vertex in a specified location (use (30,-30, 0) as vertex coordinates as in Figure 8-10).
Figure 8-10: Using a Create Vertex node to add vertices at specific locations on the feeder clamp.