Use the Distribution node () to specify the distribution of mesh elements along an edge, for example. It is possible to add Distribution nodes both as global nodes and as local nodes. If there are several Distribution nodes in the sequence with a nonempty selection intersection, the mesher uses properties corresponding to the last Distribution node in the sequence. Distribution properties always override properties defined by Size nodes sharing the same selections.
On the Mesh ribbon toolbar (Windows) from the Operations>Modify () menu, choose Size>Distribution.
On the Mesh contextual toolbar (Mac and Linux) from the Modify () menu, choose Size>Distribution.
To add it as a global node, right-click a Mesh node and select Distribution. To add it as a subnode to an operation node, right-click a Mesh Operations node and select Distribution. See Global vs. Local Attribute Nodes.
Geometric Scope (3D) / Boundaries (2D) / Domain Selection (1D)
Define the geometric entities where you want to specify a distribution. Choose the level of the geometry from the Geometric entity level list (only available in 3D):
Choose Domain to specify the domains for the distribution. Choose Manual from the Selection list to select the domains in the Graphics window or choose All domains to select all domains.
Choose Edge to specify the edges for the distribution. Choose Manual from the Selection list to select the edges in the Graphics window or choose All edges to select all edges.
Edge is the only option in 2D, and Domain is the only option in 1D.
There are three main distribution methods that you select from the Distribution properties list:
Select Explicit distribution to use an explicit, user-defined element distribution. To define the distribution of mesh elements, enter a vector-valued expression of strictly increasing values starting with zero (using comma-separated numbers) in the Explicit element distribution field, specifying the relative arc length values of the mesh vertices along the edge or boundary. Select the Reverse direction check box to reverse the direction of the explicit distribution.
Select Fixed number of elements to use a fixed number of mesh elements, which you enter into the Number of elements field. This is the default option.
Select Predefined distribution type to specify properties of a predefined distribution method that can be a geometric sequence (exponentially increasing or decreasing element size) or an arithmetic sequence (equal distance between elements); see below for details.
Predefined Distribution Type Settings
In the Number of elements field, enter the number of elements (the default is 5 elements). To specify the ratio in size between the last element and first element in the distribution, use the Element ratio field (the default value is 1.0; that is, the first and the last elements have the same size). From the Distribution method list, select Arithmetic sequence for a linear element distribution or select Geometric sequence for an exponential element distribution. Select the Symmetric check box to get a symmetric distribution and select the Reverse direction check box to switch the element distribution to the opposite direction along the edge or boundary. If you have specified several edges in the selection, the Reverse direction check box refers to the edge in the selection with the lowest entity number (the master edge in the selection). For the other edges, their direction (with respect to the distribution) is such that the rotation with respect to the master edge is minimized.