Choosing a Meshing Sequence Type
Physics-Controlled Mesh
If you select Physics-controlled mesh in the Sequence type list in the Settings window of a mesh node and build the meshing sequence, COMSOL Multiphysics creates a mesh that is adapted to the current physics interface settings in the model. The default is to use physics-controlled mesh. For example, for a fluid-flow model you get a somewhat finer mesh than the default with a boundary layer mesh along the no-slip boundaries. If you want to modify the overall element size of the physics-induced mesh, select another element size from the Element size list in the Settings window of the main mesh node and rebuild the mesh. If you change the physics interface settings in the model and rebuild the meshing sequence, COMSOL Multiphysics creates a new mesh adapted to the new physics interface settings.
To edit a physics-induced meshing sequence, or to see the errors and warnings of a failing mesh build, select User-controlled mesh in the Sequence type list or right-click the Mesh node and select Edit Physics-Induced Sequence (). The program then adds the nodes under the main Mesh node that together form the physics-controlled mesh.
If you right-click the Mesh node and select Reset to the Physics-Induced Sequence (), the sequence is reset to the physics-induced sequence. However, the type of the sequence is still User-controlled mesh. To switch back to physics-controlled meshing, select Physics-controlled mesh in the Sequence type list in the Settings window of the mesh node. If you add a node to the sequence, the type of the sequence automatically switches to User-controlled mesh.
User-Controlled Mesh
Alternatively, you can use a user-controlled mesh. It is then possible to manually build and edit the meshing sequence using the meshing techniques described below for creating 2D and 3D meshes.
If you select User-controlled mesh from the Sequence type list in the main Settings window for a Mesh node, the program adds a Size node and a node for the default mesher (Free Triangular in 2D, for example). If the Sequence type list is set to Physics-controlled mesh and you add a Size node, for example, the mesh sequence switches to a user-controlled mesh, but no default mesher is added.