Using Mesh Parts
You can use mesh parts for importing and preparing a mesh for use in a geometry sequence or meshing sequence. A mesh part is defined by an imported mesh from an STL, VRML, NASTRAN, MPHBIN, or MPHTXT file, or from some other meshing sequence. In addition, you can use mesh import operations to delete or partition parts of the mesh, for example, to prepare the imported mesh for use in a geometry sequence or meshing sequence, where you refer to the mesh part in an Import node. To insert the mesh into the new component, you can use a Copy node in the meshing sequence, where you use the mesh from the mesh part as the source.
When importing a NASTRAN file in the mesh part, it may include material definition, variables, and selections. All those properties are transferred to the component where you import the mesh part.
Creating a Mesh Part
You can add mesh parts from the Mesh Parts node (), which appears under Global Definitions. If it is missing, right-click the Global Definitions node (), and select Mesh Parts. To create a mesh part, right-click the Mesh Parts node, and then select 3D Part, 2D Part, or 1D Part. You can also create a mesh part by adding an Import node (see Import in the Geometry Modeling and CAD Tools chapter) and choosing Mesh or STL (in 3D) or Mesh (in 1D and 2D) as the source.
Within the mesh part you add an Import node (see Import) to import a mesh. In 2D and 3D, you can then add additional nodes for partitioning the mesh, deleting and joining entities, and creating vertices. Such operations can be useful to define additional domains, for example. There is also a View node with view settings (see User-Defined Views) below the mesh feature nodes.
Using a Mesh Part in a Geometry Sequence
In a geometry sequence or part you can create an instance of the mesh part by right-clicking the Geometry node and adding an Import node. Then choose Mesh or STL (in 3D) or Mesh (in 1D and 2D) from the Source list and choose the mesh part from Mesh list below to use the mesh part in the geometry sequence.
From Surface Mesh to Geometry: STL Import of a Vertebra: Application Library path COMSOL_Multiphysics/Meshing_Tutorials/stl_vertebra_import