Edge and Point Features
Line Heat Source
This node models a heat source (or sink) that is so thin that it has no thickness in the model geometry. It is available in 3D on edges. In 2D and 2D axisymmetric, it is available on points.
In theory, the temperature in a line source in 3D is plus or minus infinity (to compensate for the fact that the heat source does not have any volume). The finite element discretization used in COMSOL Multiphysics returns a finite temperature distribution along the line, but that distribution must be interpreted in a weak sense.
Line Heat Source
Click the General source (the default) or Heat rate button.
If General source is selected, enter a value for the distributed heat source, Ql in unit power per unit length. A positive Ql corresponds to heating while a negative Ql corresponds to cooling.
If Heat rate is selected, enter the heat rate Pl.
Frame Selection
The settings are the same as for the Heat Source node and are described under Frame Selection.
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Heat Transfer in Solids>
support>Line Heat Source
Heat Transfer in Fluids>
support>Line Heat Source
Physics Tab with Heat Transfer in Solids or Heat Transfer in Fluids selected:
Support>Line Heat Source
with Support as Edges in 3D and Points in 2D.